Fall is a favorite season for many. The temperatures start to cool. Nature’s colors become a patchwork of brilliant yellows, oranges, and reds, indicating the change of seasons. It is also a perfect time to fall into foil. Put that extra pop of color and brilliance into your customers’ print products with the many options offered by 4over.
Foil grabs the attention of consumers and is a differentiator to competitive products and promotions using standard printing techniques. Consumers often associate packaging and products printed with foil and other embellishment techniques with more luxurious or premium products. Your print customers are looking to add specialty printing techniques like foil to enhance their brand image and increase their response rates. A recent study by Taktiful, a consulting company specializing in print embellishments for brands, in partnership with printing industry publication WhatTheyThink, supports customer demand for embellished print. Of the printers surveyed with specialty ink and toner capabilities, 75% of their customers were interested in using those capabilities to enhance their print projects.
4over offers several methods for applying foil to print projects.
Help your print customers get the foil printing results they expect. Each foil technique requires a separate mask file to indicate where the foil should be applied in the design. The masked area of the design should be set to 100% black. See the image below for an example of creating a mask file.
For more detailed instructions on setting up your files, check out this Print 101 tutorial.
Fall is an excellent time of year to recognize valuable clients. Share ideas like sending an attention-grabbing, custom-foiled box of their favorite wine or pairing personalized golf balls with a box personalized in foil. Or design a box with festive foil designs to send promotional items to your customers. From your most valuable clients to your newest, there are options to create the perfect recognition boxes. Employees appreciate them, too!
As the season begins, remember that the holidays are coming! Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Kwanza, and Christmas come in rapid succession with opportunities to create communication that gets noticed. Stay top-of-mind with clients with offers of foil-enhanced greeting cards to celebrate all the holidays. Halloween lends itself to designs with shiny black and orange files. A Thanksgiving greeting card with a colorful cornucopia or turkey in its design using Akuafoil is guaranteed to get noticed and put on display by your clients. Turn every holiday card into conversation pieces!
The fall is also a time for corporate events and gatherings. September and October are the last safe months to schedule tradeshows and corporate events before the busy winter holiday season. Encourage your customers to send foil-enhanced postcards to increase attendance using special offers or codes to access extra content for the event. Combine corporate branded promotional items with Akuafoil boxes that are customized to the event as giveaways for attendees.
Help your customers fall into foil this season. Foil demands attention, is associated with premium products and services, and is a cost-effective way to get results for your customers. Reach out to the team at 4over to find the best foil options for your specific customer projects and events this fall.